Celebrating a job well done
Good brickwork is the key to delivering quality on time. If the brickwork is right then plastering is easy and requires less material, the tiling requires less cutting and everything lines up nicely and you end up with a nice strong building which doesn’t crack. On top of this all good brickwork tells everyone who comes after that this is a quality project and their work needs to be of a high standard (it’s the same reason we strive to keep our sites as neat as possible).
Completing the brick work also signals the half way mark in terms of time for a project, a milestone we consider worth celebrating with all those who have been involved to that point: brick layers, plumbers and electricians. The brickwork on 1133 Waterfall Country Estate is complete, so last Friday we had braai to celebrate.
As can be expected there was no shortage of appetite on the side of the bricklaying team so we had to prepare a mountain of food. Once everyone was served a couple sneaky people had already moved onto seconds Louis said some words to thank everyone for their efforts to date and to tell them about the upcoming projects on which we will be working. After that it was photo time and Louis and I had to pose for countless photos with various team members so they could show their families who they are working for.
On Monday the team moved across to 1149 Waterfall Country Estate to start the brickwork. Arriving on site it was clear that the team was in a great mood and there was an added energy about their work. Clearly taking the time to appreciate everyone’s efforts is good investment.
O yes, apologies to the workers from the neighboring building sites who had to work through the delicious smells from our braai, it must have been torture.